Thursday, October 12, 2006


A3 - ROCK'N'ROLL UZVRAĆA UDARAC je ušao u bioskope.

Na ovom mestu, možete komentarisati film. Garantujemo vam da će autori filma pročitati vaše utiske.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kad ce kritika?

2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imas kritiku na Popboksu!

5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dobar film, ali ipak fali neki glumacki star, da nosi celu stvar. Sve je korektno i ok, ali fali malo vise harizme, valera i jake interakcije u glumackoj igri i medju glumcima u samim scenama. Fali neki magicni impuls nesto sto se odmah prepozna da je vauuuuuu, a ja to ovde bez obzira na sva dobra resenja nisam video.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A šta se dešava sa filmom "Škartovi"?

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a sta se desava sa vasim filmom doba nevinosti kada ga snimate?

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E da, ko je na kraju dobio ulogu Koste?

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meni film bukvalno nije nishta posebno.Gluma mi je losha kod devojke koja igra Saru,uzas!!Odlicna je muzika.Ali je odvratno to sto ceo film izgleda kao dugometrazna reklama.Smorili su sa komercijalom!

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E, ljudi!!!!!!!!!
Znam da nema veze sa ovom temom ali jeste li se čuli sa Svetom (Stefan Bundalo)u skorije vreme?

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vrlo dobra kritika na

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jel' "Nevinost" pocela da se snima ili ne?

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vojnov voli Andjele,pa naravno kada mu samo pertle jos vire iz ruzicastog dupeta!! Serem se na takvog prodanog kriticara... Jajca i krompira....

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jos nisam pogledao, ali sam sokiran koliko je ljudi "a priori" popljuvalo ovaj film, i to pri tom dodajuci da "ni nemaju nameru da ga pogledaju", pa koji q*** onada komentarises? Ako ti se ne svidja nemoj da ides u bioskop, prebaci tv kanal kada ide reklama za film, ugasi radio kada ide pesma iz filma, skreni pogled kada vidis plakat za film. Ljudi, niko vas ne tera da gledate "Andjele", ako to ne zelite... I tuzno je sto toliko prozivate Dimitrija Vojnova iz ciste zlobe, makar covek radi nesto. Bilo to "dobro" ili "lose", ne sedi samo na svojoj bulji zaleci se na sve zivo!!!

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ali se žali na sve živo, osim na ono u čemu on učestvuje!

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

e, svasta, zamisli kad bi se neko zalio na ono u cemu ucestvuje?!

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Film me je apsolutno razocarao. Imali su temu sa kojom su mogli da naprave bum ali pokazalo se da nemaju maste ni za najosnovnije komicne komentare. Atak na nervni sistem sa svim sarenilom, reklamama i potenciranjem fizickih nedostataka Pejakovica. Takvu likcinu protraciti stavljajuci u prvi plan njegov stomak ili pozadinu je skaredno!Nedostatak koncepta, smisla, svega i na kraju potpuno izostajanje poruke. Pa mislim stvarno...!
Iscekivala sam ovaj film jer sam volela kritike Dimitrija Vojinova. Izgleda da sam previse ocekivala... Jebi ga. Vise pamei sledeci put!

4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ako si super kriticar i analiticar, to ne garantuje samo po sebi da ces napisati super scenario ili da ces napraviti ne znam kakav uspeh sa projektom u kome kao takav ucestvujes. Jednostavno, garancije nema. Mogu ja super nesto da iskomentarisem, ali da kad treba to da uradim sam totalni duduk ili genije za to. Moc "operative" i "analitike" ne moraju biti ni u kakvoj vezi, a i mogu. Drugim recima, moze a ne mora... Tako reci, moze biti ali ne mora da znaci.

6:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

E onda se ne treba ni hvatati "operative". Kritika je usko povezana sa samokritikom. Uostalom sve je to deo jednog procesa - kritickog promisljanja i samo je pitanje njegovog usmerenja - ka sebi ili ka drugima.
Ne mislim da su u pravu oni koji prozivaju kriticare jer nisu nista napravili pa kao nemaju pravo ni da komentarisu. To je glupo. Bolje da budu dovoljno svesni svojih sposobnosti i da ne prave gluposti. Ovako samo urusavaju sopstveni kredibilitet

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kako je otvorio A3, koliko gledalaca?

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A3 je bolji i od keca i od dvojke, a kudikamo i od ostalog opusa S.D. Ideoloski je cistiji, zna se za sta je, protiv cega je i da nas nije unistio "drekavac" vec "drekacvi". Koje je doduse napravio PINK...ali to je predistorija. Dimitrije napravio odlican posao. Nada Macankovic neka otvori butik.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A3 je bolji i od keca i od dvojke, a kudikamo i od ostalog opusa S.D. Ideoloski je cistiji, zna se za sta je, protiv cega je i da nas nije unistio "drekavac" vec "drekacvi". Koje je doduse napravio PINK...ali to je predistorija. Dimitrije napravio odlican posao. Nada Macankovic neka otvori butik.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A3 je bolji i od keca i od dvojke, a kudikamo i od ostalog opusa S.D. Ideoloski je cistiji, zna se za sta je, protiv cega je i da nas nije unistio "drekavac" vec "drekacvi". Koje je doduse napravio PINK...ali to je predistorija. Dimitrije napravio odlican posao. Nada Macankovic neka otvori butik.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nije, bolji od keca i dvojke. Nema nikakve veze sa prethodna dva filma. To je lepo slikan i umiven, "tanak" film koji u razlicitim scenama, podseca na razlicita ostvarenja. Onaj ideoloski "cistiji" deo je varijanta "Kako je propao rokenrol" i sto puta vidjena prica, momci iz benda, sviraju u garazi, klubu rok end rol itd.isl. Pa onda splavovi, pa vasari, pa sve po malo. Cviju su optuzivali da je u drugom delu "Mile" ali tek sada je "Mile". Fale jaci likovi u glavnim ulogama. U ovoj podeli najbolji glumac je Zika Todorovic ali brate on je samo djavo. Ostali su od prosecnog i ok teksta napravili ok, korektan i prosecan film. Ali nisu napravili super film. Tu se vidi da nema starova u kljucnim ulogama. Ovde bas to fali. Blokbaster mora da ima stara. Ovde su glumci dobri ali samo dobri. To nije dovoljno. Tu je ta razlika izmedju Koje, Bjela, Sergeja s jedne i Glogovca, Djuricka, Cvije, Milivojevica, Cvije ... sa druge strane. Zika je negde izmedju, cak mozda bolji glumac od ove prve trojke ali vali mu harizme u odnosu na njih. Ovaj film vapi za starom koji ce to da ponese i razvali, glumacki kompenzuje sve nedostatke drugih stvari u filmu a toga nema pa nema.

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cenim da ovaj film nema sanse da po gledanosti nadmasi A2, ni u snu. Najrelanija mi se cini procena oko 200 000 gledalaca. Ono sto mi se cinilo i kao problem da bas nije bilo o folmu ni na "Pinku" ni na drugim stanicama neki marketing za film. Ni specijalne emisije, ni razgovora sa akterima ni film o filmu, ni kurca ni palca. Mozda su to neke nove marketinske dokrtine, mozda se islo samo kao da gledaju srednjoskolci ali i onda je marketing mogao da se potrudi.
Pa, anegdote sa snimanja, nista. Pa paparaco fotografije, nista. Pa, jebote, jel vas boleo kurac za marketing ili sta.Jedan od retkih novinarskih "priloga" cuj priloga sa sve garnirungom, bavio se naravno Sekom, uz informaciju da je bila premijera A3, onda jos sturog off/a i misljenje Tijane Dapcevic o filmu. Mozda je jos bila slika mase u holu i politicara koji se klibere. Ni reci o samom osvtarenju, ni razgovor sa glavnim glumcima ni sa rediteljem, ni sa scenaristom ni sa Dragojevicem. Ne kapiram. Jel se tu neko s nekim posvadjao ili su bili razliciti koncepti, ali nekog jedinstva u smislu predstavljanja filma ni u naznakama.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manda je bio zanimljiv. Taj lik je imao prostora u filmu i previse, zahvalan za glumacku igru i zajebanciju, a gosn Manda kao da ga je s kurca odigrao. Kao da je zurio da tu bedu skine sebi s vrata. Stavio je lik u jedan klise i vozi Misko. Taj problem se kod nasih glumaca ipak malo precesto javlja. Opsta mesta u igranju lika pa udri. To je meni izgledalo kao mali djokica kako zamislja da izgleda Sasa Popovic ili neki drugi grand folk estradni ovo ono, mislim hit mora da zakiva, da udara u centralu, menadzer lipovacko-sabacko-loznicko-prigradske-konjarnicko-karaburmaste provinijecnije. Da li se to desava zbog nedovoljne pripreme ili sta, ali nekad mi se cini: producente brate dovedi nekog pravog menadzera da igra sebe u datim okolnostima i liku; i dobices bolji evekat i pravu sliku i osecaj.
Glumci nasi su ti izgleda kao doktori opste prakse. Za virtuoznija resenja treba bre otorinolaringolog da malo dublje procacka. Pun mi je vise kurac povrsinskih glumackih radova. Evo, pitanje za Mandu: " Jel si bio na ibarskoj magistrali, lipovackim nocima, danima estrade, moravskim biserima, jel si razgovarao bilo formalno ili neformalno ili se mozda druzio sa nekim pravim menadzerom, mislim estradnim, jel si ih gledao po televizijskim emisijam, jel si citao njihove intervjue nedeljnicima i dnevnim novinama, jesi li razmisljao da si u njihovoj kozi, smradu rostilja i mlade pevacke picetine koja te ponese, jel si razmisljao kolko kosta koja pesma, koji pevac je bio zigolo, koji taksista a koji obijac, jel si napravio svoj foto robot ili svoju biografiju lika. Jel nisi nista jeo par dana pa isao od vasara, do vasara,od radija do radija i trazio pesmu ili novu zvezdu da otrkijes... Jel si se drogirao u Interkontiju i orgijao i izivljavao se nad prostittkama. Jel si isao sa svojim pevackim pulenom i samarao striptizete. Jel si jeo cevape, i podrigivao, a posle toga popio najskuplji sampanjac, jel nisi sekao nokte par nedelja ili se nisi tusirao i spavao pet dana. Jel si ti bre proziveo tog menadzera,ili jel si bar malo mislio o tome? Jel si uradio bar trecinu ovih stvari? Ja nesto ne verujem da jesi, jer bi se te implikacije na ovoj ulozi morale videti, a kod tebe se ne vide.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja cu sigurno kupiti cd sa muzikom iz filma. Vec zamisljam kako kresem neku ribu na zurci uz vrhunsku pesmu "Splavovi". Kresem i vicem: "Hua, hua, hua, hua, hua"...

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KAd ce DVD?

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sta mislite, da li je Nikola Pejakovic bio prvo resenje za glavnu ulogu?

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sta mislite, da li je Nikola Pejakovic bio prvo resenje za glavnu ulogu?

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Филмска критика
Ни фазони ни форе
Филм: „Анђели 3 – Rock’n’ Roll узвраћа ударац”; режија Петар Пашић; сценарио Срђан Драгојевић и Димитрије Војнов; улоге: Никола Пејаковић, Златко Ракоњац, Срђан Жика Тодоровић, Урош Ђурић, Весна Тривалић, Зоран Цвијановић..., трајање: 90 мин., производња: Србија, 2006.

Из филма „Анђели 3”

Шта нам осим урушавања једног мита и иконографије кича и треша, још доносе „Анђели 3”?
Па..., свакако спознају: да је прича ове такозване тинејџерске комедије саткана од низа недуховитих и дијалошки прилично натегнутих фора и фазона, да је редитељ филма Петар Пашић показао да зна да режира музичке и рекламне спотове па и овај мега рекламно-музички спот као рођен за ружичасту телевизију, да главни глумац Златко Ракоњац личи на Ештона Кучера, јунака серије „Веселе седамдесете” и новог супруга Деми Мур, да једино фолк-звезду Светлану Секу Алексић (уз изузетак Бориса Миливојевића у лику фолкерске звезде Белог) није „жуљала” улога, већ је показала да је природна пред камерама и када не пева...

О чему је филм ? У најкраћем: секс, дрога, фолк и рок у одурном амбијенту, као још једно замешатељство Ђавола и Анђела који су испровоцирали суочавање Доријана (Никола Пејаковић), средовечне фолк-звезде, а некадашњег рокера 70-их, са Марком (Златко Ракоњац), младим рокером који сања да сними демо у времену у којем неприкосновено владају турбо-фолкери и звезде Гранд шоуа и Пинк телевизије (овде и као копродуценту филма). Све је тако „умуљано” да се понешто каже и за и против свеопштег српског музичког тренда, а да се копродуцент не увреди и не осети кривим за наметање квазимузичких вредности и готово монополског утицаја на формирање музичког укуса овдашње популације. Чисте комедије је мало, доминирају гег и приземан штос, испразни пасажи и елементарна недуховитост, несимпатични јунаци за које се тешко везује и навија. Када их не воле они који су их створили, што би их волела публика.

На основу виђеног могло би се закључити и да су косценаристи Срђан Драгојевић и Димитрије Војнов сличног мизантропског менталног склопа, с тим што онај старији у тандему (Драгојевић) ваљда покушава да се подмлади или надокнади пропуштено из младости, а онај млађи (Војнов) да по сваку цену покаже колико је стармали, иако толики терет његова плећа још увек не могу да поднесу. Но, како је младом Војнову ово ипак сценаристички деби у формату целовечерњег играног филма, срећу не треба кварити. Коначни суд о његовом таленту, потенцијалу и вредностима као сценаристе, може се донети тек након што се појави са каквим самосталним, надамо се и зрелијим делом.

Што се сценаристе и продуцента Срђана Драгојевића тиче, он је очигледно током боравка у Америци врло добро научио шта значи product placement (пласирање спонзорских производа и брендова у филму) и како га што боље искористити у домаћем филму. За то освојено знање и његово експертско примењивање у пракси, заслужује честитке. У „Анђелима 3”, у односу на „Анђеле 2”, чак је надмашио себе. Филм врви од употребе домаћих и страних производа и робних марки на свим могућим и немогућим местима у филму. Од хамбургера из најпознатијег светског ланца брзе хране, музичких хај-фај уређаја, ауто-гума, козметичких производа и аутомобила, до популарног домаћег енергетског пића од којег се не спава већ буљи к′о сова буљина... Свега је у толикој мери, да постаје свеједно шта у међувремену раде глумци, шта се у причи дешава и која се музичка нумера тренутно изводи (а има их и добрих и квалитетних). Тако престаје оно што се сматра филмом и настаје мутантски рекламно-музички спот који се гледа у биоскопу. И ето новог жанра у српском филму!

„Анђели 3” миљама је удаљен од свих вредности Драгојевићевог дипломског филма „Ми нисмо анђели”. Његови усиљени наставци штете миту и о том филму и о његовом аутору. Заиста не би ваљало да једног дана на помен Драгојевићевог имена неко каже: „Је л′ то беше онај што је целог живота снимао Анђеле”. Време је да се иде даље.

Дубравка Лакић
[објављено: 20.10.2006.]

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ej' Dimitrije, hocete li raditi kasting za "Skartove"? Definitivno se vidim u ulozi skinsa ili nekog porno- glumackog- stara manijaka. Dakle, sinopsis na imdb-u me je vrlo inspirisao, moram priznati.

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ne znam, SKARTOVI su tek u povoju. Sada se radi nova verzija scenarija i gleda se da li je taj projekat u ovom trenutku uopste izvodljiv...

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A šta je bilo sa onom pričom da će na scenariju sarađivati i publika. . . Tako nešto sam čuo?

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scenario je u jednoj verziji bio poslat na PLJUSovu mailing listu, medjutim, ekipa se nije nesto pretrgla od sugestija.

U medjuvremenu smo jako puno radili na tekstu.

Film ce biti vrlo cudan, provokativan, mracan, i to mu je glavna prepreka da se snimi u Srbiji koja nije spremna za tako radikalnu stvar.

Kod nas se snimaju samo neki soft core filmovi, kao SEDAM I PO ili SUTRA UJUTRU, a SKARTOVI su vise u fazonu VISITOR Q Takashi Miikea, IRREVERSIBLE Gaspara Noea, AMERICAN HISTORY X. U stvari kada bih morao da ga definisem, definisao bih ga kao SERBIAN HISTORY XXX.

U sustini, taj scenario je svima ostavio urtisak da bi zeleli da ga gledaju, ali vec je manje bilo onih koji bi dali pare za to.

No, bas u tome je draz tog projekta. Kada ides sa A3 gde se finansijeri utrkuju na nesto sto je do te mere zajebano i ekstremno.

4:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pa sto ga ne postavite ovde. Mozda i bude sugestija...

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a sta je sa filmom doba nevinosti, sto necete da kazete da li se snima, opet nesto mutite...

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A u kom kontekstu se pominju pornici u Skartovima?

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dubravka Lakic bi mogla da se vrati manekenstvu i da prestane da popuje o tome sta valja, sta ne valja, ona, koja je svoju @kriticarsku@ karijeru zapocela u Politici, u vreme kada je ovaj, i sada nemoguc medij, bio tako promilosevicevski nastrojen da niko ko je zavrsio FDU nije za njega hteo da radi.
Ona da ima muda, ili barem gde da ode, zapalila bi iz Politike na vreme. Ali, niko je nece.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Šta kenjaš, anonimus?! Svima vam je lepo kad vas neko pomiluje po guzici( nema veze da li je muško ili žensko) ali ako vam neko zasluženo zvizne šamarčinu onda nastaje problem. Ona je bar ima kritičarsku karijeru za razliku od tebe,sinovac. A to što ona fino izgleda ne znači da je glupa i da njeno mišljenje ne vredi. I pusti, care, Miloševića i taj epitet "miloševićevski", koji uporno kačite uz sve i svašta. To je tako bajata priča i odmah govori da je nezrela osoba u pitanju.

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tako je!

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gledao! Ukratko - najveci problem - film mi nije dovoljno smesan. Nekoliko scena "ha, ha, ha" i to je to. Uvodna scena na radnoj akciji fenomenalna, pracena jos boljom spicom (za razliko od nasih uobicajnih belo na crno, ili obrnuto, naslova) i onda hm, mlako. Dalje mladi glumci su zaista losiji deo filma, pretpostavljam da je u pitanju neiskustvo pred kamerama ili sta vec, ali ipak se predimenzionira sekina superiornost u odnosu na njih - zapravo, rekao bih, tu su negde. Nikola Pejakovic kao Dorjan je odlican, njegov lik zaista ima neku harizmu i sve vreme mi ga je bilo pomalo zao, narocito kada se smorio i nije hteo da kresne saru, zbog marka. Marko, s druge strane totalna suprotnost, cak me i nervirao, njegov lik je trebalo da bude bolje napisan. Sve je to ok, ali gde mu je, bre, mladalacki rokerski bunt, i malo vise strasti prema sari, a ne "nja, nja, nja"....Mozda bi bilo interesantno videti kako bi film izgleado da su zamenjeni samo identiteti, ali ne i glumci - jasnije, da je nakon "transfera" zlatko glumio dorjana, a kolja marka (kao u face/off)... Zatim numere su dobre, ali mozda ih ima previse na sat i po vremena, s obzirom da nije u pitanju mjuzikl, ako oduzmete songove, radnja se efektivno odvija tek nesto vise od sat vremena.... iako me film nije (toliko) nasmejao, drago mi je sto se humor nije bazirao na tipicnom izlivu pretnji seksualnog opstenja sa necijom majkom (ovde se zapravo takva pretnja realizovala, i ta scena je bas ql). Zoki Cvijanovic - mora, bre, neko da mu da ulogu totalno suprotnu od Mileta, da se covek malo otrezni... Goran Jevtic, mora da skapira razliku izmedju sinhronizacije crtanog filma i glume pred kamerom, dosta kreveljennja, i los je izbor za ulogu siledzije jer je mator... Boris Milivojevic - fenomeenalaaan, govorio sam ranije, a sada cu javno - on je najpotcenjeniji filmski glumac u Srba - te transformacije koje on pravi od trandze s bosanskim akcentom u "natashi", preko boleta u "crnom gruji", grbavog u "sivom kamionu...", pa i blente u zvezdara teatru (smesna strana muzike), pa sad Beli - covek zaista moze svasta... Sad kod SD-a se vec od Rana javlja problem da karikiranje nekog miljea izaziva kod mnogih kontraefekat - pa kada su onako prikazani krimosi u "ranama", iako je SD hteo sto vise da ih izvrne ruglu, vecina klinaca se nalozila na pinkija i svabu - po skolama su svi odjednom furali taj "srpski gangster" fazon, tako i ovde iako je meni karikiranje folkera zabavno, kod mnogih ce izazvati pozitivnu reakciju, pa ocekujem da ce "splavovi" ubrzo postati hit osamnaestih rodjendana... Nazad na radnju filma, trebalo je malo da produbite emotivna stanja junaka, prvo oba lika su se relativno lako prilagodila na promenu tela, a onda mi se cini da je samo marko imao jasnu zelju da se vrati svom zivotu, dok kod Dorjana ne postoji jasan motiv zasto bi se vratio u svoje telo - buduci da je "lazni Dorjan" puko, a da se "pravi Dorjan" u Markovom telu sasvim fino snasao - moze najzad da svira muziku koju voli, zgotivio se sa caletom vise nego pravi Marko ikada, Sara bi mu se rado bacila u narucje, postao je faca u skoli... Da se vratim produbljivanju - na pocetku je trebalo malo vise euforije - tipa, s jedne str, mlad sam, lud sam, imam rok bend jupiiim!!! A sa druge str, imam brdo kesa i moze mi se sve!!! Ima toga u filmu, ali trebalo je jace, izazvalo bi cak i komicniji efekat, i kako se film blizio kraju trebalo je da produbite agoniju glavnih junaka - hocemo plac, vristanje, cupanje za kosu, tucu, alkoholisanje, depresivnu setnju po kisi, ljubomoru, pozudu.... I kako stizemo do kraja, imam utisak da je kraj zbrzan, scena na svadbi ima interesantnu postavku, ali potencijal nije dovoljno iskoriscen za pravi dzumbus i haos na kraju... i malo nije jasno sta je ko dobio na kraju filma - rokenrol uzvratio udarac? Nisam siguran. To o rokenrolu i uzvracanju udarca je, po mom misljenju, vrlo interesantno obradjeno u "School of rock", cak me i na trenutke Kolja Pejakovic podseca na Jacka Blacka, trebalo je u pripremi filma vise pazenj da obratite na taj naslov... I nije mi jasno zasto vec za bazu nije vise iskorisceno "Dva sata kvalitetnog programa" gde se SD vec bavio odnosom rok-folk, zaista je to odlicna TV zabava, a jedino sto je preneto odatle je cini mi se lik Mande, koji je ovoga puta doduse folk menadzer, ali dosta slican liku iz pomenutog novogodisnjeg programa... Andjeo i Djavo imaju vise prostora i bolju ulogu nego u drugom delu, ali i dalje slabiju nego u prvom, mozda zato sto su u originalu vise predstavljeni kao nikolina savest, odnosno oni likovi na desnom i levom ramenu, sto ti govore sta ciniti, dok su u drugom samo nemi posmatraci. Ovde ipak imaju neku opkladu i neki uticaj na pricu... Inace ideja da se Andjeo i Djavo osamostale u odnosu na Nikolu i Marinu & Co. je trebalo da bude izvedana jos u drugom delu, da Andjeo i Djavo postanu za SD-a isto sto su Jay i Silent Bob za Kevina Smitha, narocito sto i ta dva lika lutaju kroz razlicite zanrove, i uvek imaju razlicitu ulogu, mada se moze napraviti paralelea gde bi Silent Bob bio Andjeo, a Jay, razume se, Djavo... I da jos samo ovo - marketing proizvoda u ovom filmu je zaista profi uradjen i ne opterecuje film kao u slucaju "MNA 2", zaista vesto uklopljene reklame u film, mozda su i neprimetnije nego u "Munjama"... Za kraj - interesantan pokusaj, fina zamisao, ipak ne tako dobro realizovana, ipak ovaj film nije ni imao pretenzije da nam otkriva smisao zivota, ali je cak i u onom polju gde cilja da bude bioskopska zabava malo omanuo, izgledao kao pismeni zadatak koji je napisao talentovan uceni, ali ga je nestrpljivo predao profesorki zaboravivsi da ga procita jos jednom i ispravi greske... ali mozda sam jedini koji ovde to kaze, voleo bih da vidim cetvrti deo (ono o cicama koje traze princa na belom konju).

7:17 AM  
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upropastili su prvi deo,da je jadno koliko je vulgarnosti i odvratnih scena u oba nastavka

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2:54 PM  
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4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything about horse betting

We came across an article on written by Bill Finley entitled "2005 was a lousy year for horse racing." In his article Mr. Finley cites 9 reasons why 2005 was such a bad year for horse racing in America. Although we agree with several of his observations, number 8 on his list, "U.S. Pari-Mutuel Handle Falls", should have been dealt with more objectively.
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There are however many controversies surrounding the horse industry. During races, some jockeys use a crop to hit the horse in the rump to direct their effort and possibly run faster. Based on the most detailed statistical study of whipping ever carried out, it is actually counterproductive and slows the horse down causing them to become distracted and dangerously go off course.

In the 131 years that have passed only 11 horses have managed to accomplish what is arguably the most difficult feat in sports. Compared to the Triple Crown, no-hitters in baseball are an everyday occurrence; back to back championships in other sporting events, a dime a dozen; there have been more solar eclipses in our lifetime than Triple Crown winners and each year more people are struck by lightening than the total number of Triple Crown winners in history.

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Barbaro with Edgar Prado on board has won all 6 of his lifetime starts, 4 of his wins in 2006 and all at distances of a mile or more (his first 3 races were on the turf). Barbaro will be the odds on favorite for the Preakness. Gone are the double digit returns when we picked him for the Derby so most of us are left looking for horses to combine him with for the exacta, trifecta and superfecta wagers. Even though we want to see him win, at the probable scant return for a win, one must look to see if there's a horse in the field that can best him.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a novice gambler you probably haven’t heard the term but professional bettors who earn their livelihood from sports betting use the method all the time taking advantage of the variance in odds from the opinions of the diverse number of bookmakers. Even though it sounds as if it is a no risk situation that may not always be the case and there some issues that can cause you to lose.

The Parlay System is one of the most famous of betting systems that are commonly used in horse racing. Many have said that contrary to other sports betting systems, the Parlay System has a pyramiding effect on your profit which means your winnings are played on successive wagers.
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Overall, the majority of people feel that the United States is missing the boat on this matter. Instead of simply regulating the industry like the rest of the countries in the world, they are trying to get rid of it altogether. This may have some benefits, but for the most part there is a chance that it could end up back firing. It will be interesting to see what the Senate decides to do in the upcoming months.

The problem is, most people wouldn't know where to begin if they had to devise their own worthwhile Selection System, and those clever enough to be able to do so simply wouldn't have the time to do it (it is an arduous task). In fact, there are only two groups of people who do bother to spend the time and money to do so properly: (i) Bookies and (ii) sports tipsters. However, while you can be 100% sure that all Bookies operate a good Selection System (but they won't share it with you), you can be sure that 99% of so-called expert tipsters don't. The number of tipsters doing a proper job on the Internet can probably be counted on the fingers of just two hands.

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That just about wraps it up. My collection of the very best centre forwards to kick a ball for Manchester Utd before Ferguson's days. Are you wondering why I decided to only include pre-Ferguson players in this list? Actually it's simply because I feel the forwards that have been at Utd during Alex Ferguson's lengthy leadership in charge of United require a write up all to themselves. Sir Alex Ferguson hasn't been short of forwards to chose from. There is a good chance this wont be my last word on the issue. A piece on the strikers who played for Alex may be on the cards. manchester united [url=]manchesterunited[/url] As a tribute to United’s nationwide popularity, the club has held the record for the highest average attendance in English football for over 34 years. The only time they did not hold the record was during the 1987-89 period when the Old Trafford stadium was being renovated. In some circles, it is believed that the Manchester United Red Devils are the most widely supported football club in the world. [url=]rooney[/url] The current home games Manchester United shirt is red with a vertical, white stripe on the reverse. A patch with the words "The Red Devils" on a picture of the club's famous devil mascot is sewn onto to the bottom-left of the jersey. By contrast, the away shirt in use today is white with blue piping at the edges. It has red trim on the neck and the club emblem is on a white background on the left breast. The club emblem is pictured on a white background shield situated on the left breast. The emblem has been altered through the years but was originally designed based on the crest of the City of Manchester. One day Matt Busby was watching a local rugby team in Salford and was impressed by their flair and adventure on the pitch. When he discovered their nickname was "The Red Devils" he decided to attach it to his Manchester United team.

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Wednesday was not Real’s night; the team lost the first leg at France and had to make 2 goals in order to advance. And at home, there seemed to be real possibility. [url=]real madrid oficial[/url] With this victory, Real Madrid is focusing on their next match against Osasuna, which will be held on May 2nd. During their last match on January 3rd, neither of the two could obtain the victory; the game ended 0-0. Now, this game will be key for both squads; the Whites would be closer to surpassing Barça to obtain the La Liga title, which they haven’t won in two seasons. On the other hand, Osasuna, which tied their last game against Athletic Bilbao, are trying to add a triumph and surpass Espanyol in the 11th place of the standings. If Osasuna end in 11th or 10th place this season, it will be the best position they have achieve in four seasons.
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At the end of the game, Kaka expressed his satisfaction at his team’s performance, happy to have helped his team by adding a point. [url=]ricardo kaka[/url] Barcelona and Real Madrid can both boast a star-studded cast. Barcelona won on Tuesday against Racing Santander 4-1, with Lionel Messi scoring two of the team’s four goals; Real Madrid did their job on Wednesday, defeating Villareal 2-0 with goals from Kaka and Cristiano Ronaldo.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are a novice gambler you probably haven’t heard the term but professional bettors who earn their livelihood from sports betting use the method all the time taking advantage of the variance in odds from the opinions of the diverse number of bookmakers. Even though it sounds as if it is a no risk situation that may not always be the case and there some issues that can cause you to lose.
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One key thing to remember when you are seeking out the best sports betting odds is that the best odds and the best sports bookmaker are not necessarily one and the same.
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So you are based in the United States and worried about your money and current situation, right? If so, there is one thing that you should do right away in order to protect yourself. Close down your account, and switch your funds over to an offshore or overseas service. Not only will this ensure that you are doing everything legally, but you will also be able to keep your money safe. If you are like a lot of players you may have quite a bit of money in your online gambling account. Do you want to lose all of that if something happens? It is better to be safe than sorry in this case.

So, having established that using a good Selection System is an absolute must if you want to make money from sports betting, how does the average Bettor actually go about making his/her betting selections? My research shows me that, in the main (ignoring the extremes), there are generally two approaches taken:

- The more conservative group looks at the "Short Odds" calls, and plays safe by selecting only those matches where they themselves feel very confident about the outcome.

- The more adventurous group analyses the matches and odds on offer, and then makes selections based on their own gut feeling about how the matches will turn out, making sure that the odds match their concept of a "value" bet.

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luck plays a major role in your winnings through a game of online bingo. Nevertheless, there are certain winning strategies in play at a game of online bingo. Hence, the result of your game depends on these strategies to quite an extent. Employ such winning strategies to enjoy and win good prize amounts at a game of online bingo.
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If you do not know anyone who uses the gaming sites or you want some additional reinforcement your first port of call should be an online bingo community. By reading reviews by other people who use the Bingo sites, you will be able to get a feel for the different sites that exist and make a more qualified decision about which one you would like to use. The knowledge concerning different sites and what other users consider important about them is an invaluable tool for the new online Bingo player. Whether it is for fun or for money, there needs to be an element of integrity within the site and a potential for the player to win the game. The knowledge of other users concerning specific sites will tell the new online Bingo player whether the site is for real or is just masquerading in order to harvest the players email addresses in order to bombard them with spam, or worse con them out of their hard earned cash. This can all be avoided with research and trying before you buy, as mentioned earlier the best places to scope out bingo sites is by using a review site or Bingo members forum.
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What you have to do is, coordinate the numbers that are called out by the host with what you have on our sheet, aiming at filling up a pattern reading bingo. The pattern would be announced at the beginning of the game, so you have to be careful to know what pattern you are looking out for. The cards have the b-i-n-g-o letters on rows and numbers running as a column. A host would call out a letter-number combination, which you would have to mark on your sheet. For example if I-34 is called, you will have to look at the I column down to search for number 34. In case you have it, you place a market on it, and so on.

1:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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t Don"t get fleeced. Just because they look like Uggs, does not mean they are anywhere near the quality of the original. Some of the look-alike boots are made of cow suede, lined with fleece. The UGG boot has fast become one of the most copied products around the world. The real things are from Australia and are incredibly warm with a furry lining made out of sheeps wool. You can recognise fake UGGs from real ones as fakes use cheap synthetic fur that doesnt have the same feel or colour. UGG boots can be found in many different designs and colors. They are comfortable and chic shoes that can be worn on any occasion. No matter found in workplace or indoor shoes, boots love Uggs would make satisfied for those who afraid of nippy in winter. [url=]Ugg Boots Outlet[/url] These boots never go out of fashion. You can wear them just anywhere from parties, professional outings to an evening out with friends. They too come in a wide variety of options as per differences in colors, sizes, flat or high heeled soles, with tie up laces, buttons and many more. The most remarkable thing that makes them popular among men is its light weight and solid sole. With a clear scientific research it has been found that light shoes are of great help in toning your muscular activity and ensures correct posture while standing or at work. While providing healthier way of walking these lavish shoes are of various colors and goes well with your outfit for every occasion. [url=]ugg boots clearance[/url] Some people are skeptical about the comfort of boots, but the UGG boots are the pinnacle of comfortable footwear and have become the preferred choice of people worldwide. As they are now available in variety of shapes and sizes they compliment any kind of attire you are wearing. As these boots are made for winter for thermal insulation. The classic UGG boots have the colors of black, chestnut and beige, which are all easy work well with other many colors. If you want to select a pair to match the latest trendy color, browse in the internet and pick what you want. As there are so many fashionable styles, you can find the UGG boots just suiting your leg form, and like other boots, they can make you appear slender if you have a proper pair.

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The relative difficulties of men's and women's style

Both men and women can have the difficulties of keeping their wardrobe up-to-date and in season, yet men's style frequently feels a lot simpler. Of program, for both genders, outfits and style choices can be just as complicated, and there are numerous'stylish'things that could quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people walking on in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's style has a few choice goods that can exist forever - which man is planning to keep an eye out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Select classic cuts, colors and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.

Why basic men's fashion is timeless

The common man's suit has scarcely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many options for various events, but they are all common in their search for a wise, sharp search for the person. The best part about basic fashion for men is that it's efficiently stylish efficiently cool. A well-groomed lady will more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the design of such clothing. A match will undoubtedly be used to work in several jobs due to the professional search it provides to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will be used to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility that allows matches to be utilized in almost all occasions is what gives it its amazing border and a lasting devote men's fashion.

Contemporary movements in traditional men's fashion

Whilst basic men's designs will never be replaced, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain basic garments back to fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has brought back a wide-variety of basic designs into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet luxurious way, working in a refined approach and placing importance on appearance. This tendency for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is evident from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages clothe themselves in significantly Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the streets on vintage bicycles - with many of the men sporting flawless mustaches! This is only one of many samples of evidence displaying the resurgence of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on line which give attention to gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole internet sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to giving articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, though specific areas of traditional men's style may be cut back as new trends, the essential garments that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

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