Naš kompozitor Ljubiša Buba Opačić sa svojim drugom i kolegom Dragutinom Gutom Jakovljevićem započinje novi live act koji se zove Ekustik. Prisustvovali smo jednom od njihovih sessiona i možemo reći da je to nešto najzanimljivije što smo čuli & videli (da, i VIDELI) uživo.
Njih dvojica će nastupati pod imenom Ekustik, a ovde je njihov MySpace gde možete čuti klipove njihovog rada.
Inače, evo i kako oni sami sebe predstavljaju:
EKUSTIK is a duo consisted of two well-known and experienced Belgrade musicians and very good friends, Buba Opacic and Guta Jakovljevic. This project finds them playing «real-time music», which is a concept of composing and performing music live on the spot, guided only by instantaneously inspiration and interaction. Buba creates grooves and rhythmical phrases using computer, software, samplers, and digital effects, and Guta creates harmonies and melodies on electric guitar, guitar synth, e-bow, and various stomp-boxes. Style, form, and lenght of unique musical pieces created in this way are unlimited and depend primarily on the artists' mood, but also on profile of the audience, type of the venue, nature of the event, or anything else that could affect the performers' inspiration. Since the most exciting way of consuming EKUSTIK's music is to witness the process of its creation, it is available exclusively as live performance - audio/video recordings are made only for internal or promotional purposes and are not going to be published in any way.
Hvala kolege za veliku podršku koju ste nam dali na vašem blogu... Uvek ste dobrodošli na naše sessione, a uskoro kako stvari stoje i na live act-ove...
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