Thursday, April 30, 2009
Čak i najiskusnije kolege su nekada bili mladi. Tako je recimo danas Popboks odlučio da reprintuje tekst o grupi De La Soul koji je danas naš najugledniji montažer Marko Glušac napisao davne 1989. godine za Ritam. I što je najzanimljivije od svega, i tekst stoji, i na neki način impresionira svojom obaveštenošću ako uzmemo u obzir da je pisan u vreme kada nije bilo Interneta.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
U Hrvatskoj je izašao prevod romana SPONZORI Geraldine Beigbeder, rođake slavnog francuskog pisca Fredericka Beigbedera, u kome se ona bavi doživljajima dvoje francuskih filmskih radnika u Beogradu. Već od samog početka romana jasno je da će obilovati referencama koje su naročito sočne i zabavne upravo srpskim čitaocima koji se bave filmom, a usput se diskutuje o naslovima poput TT SINDROMA ili MATHILDE.
Ukoliko ste čitali roman, javite nam se ovde u komentarima da vidimo da li ste uspeli da prepoznate nekog našeg filmskog radnika koga mi nismo. :)
Ukoliko je Kina ranije i imala neka opravdanja zašto ne napada Tajvan, sada ih više nema posle donošenja ovog zakona...
Taiwan enacts controversial "three strikes" copyright law
Stephen Cremin in Taipei
28 Apr 2009 12:00
Taiwan's legislature has passed an amendment to the Copyright Act to authorise a controversial "three strikes and you're out" policy for online intellectual property violations.
Under the new regulations, internet service providers (ISPs) may suspend the accounts of customers who have been accused of downloading copyrighted material more than twice. In addition, ISPs will be responsible for alerting customers of infringement by e-mail after violations are brought to their attention by copyright holders.
ISPs themselves will be immune from prosecution as long as they did not initiate file transfers and were not aware of the copyright violations. Downloaders themselves will not be individually identified. Although the music and film industries have been pushing for "three strikes and you're out" policies around the world, Taiwan is one of the first countries to pass such legislation.
The French parliament recently rejected similar proposals and the UK 's intellectual property minister David Lammy rejected such a policy at the weekend. Taiwan has almost no visible signs of bootlegged videos on the street; the majority of copyright violations take place online.
The courts have sent mixed signals. While was found not guilty of copyright infringement in 2005, later the same year executives of rival service Kuro received prison sentences in the world's first criminal conviction for operating an internet file-sharing service.
In January this year, the US Trade Representative (USTR) office in Washington removed Taiwan from the Special 301 Watch List of countries that do not sufficiently protect intellectual property rights
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pre nekog vremena smo najavili nastanak supergrupe Tinted Windows u kojoj su između ostalih James Iha i Adam Schlesinger. Evo sada i prvog video klipa za prolećni power pop hit KIND OF A GIRL.
Tinted Windows "Kind of a Girl"
Friday, April 24, 2009
Kada su stručnjaci sa BBCa dolazili da drže kurseve zaposlenima na RTSu, nisu ni slutili da bi zapravo trebalo da bude obrnuto. Naime, da su ljudi sa RTSa malo održali kurs ovima sa BBCa onda oni svakako ne bi prodali prava za seriju STATE OF PLAY holivudskom studiju nego bi je lepo sami skratili sa šest na dva sata i pustili u bioskope. Umesto toga, snimljen je film po već snimljenoj seriji, angažovani su novi glumci i scenaristi kako bi prilagodili zaplet, a rešenje je zapravo sve vreme već postojalo u snimljenom materijalu.
Pojavljivanje filma RANJENI ORAO je u tom smislu revolucionaran trenutak u svetu filma, pošto je reč o dvočasovnoj verziji serije od desetak sati efektivnog trajanja koja je emitovana dva puta u manje od tri meseca i izdata je na DVDu. Ovo je produžetak jednog radikalnog eksperimenta koji je isti reditelj, Zdravko Šotra već pokušao pre desetak godina kada je izmontirao film od serije VIŠE OD IGRE, ali od distribucije tog dela na kraju ipak nije bilo ništa. Međutim, sada, desetak godina kasnije, bizarnost našeg kinematografskog trenutka dostigla je neslućene razmere.
Majstori exploitationa mogu samo da se dive našim filmskim radnicima koji operišu kao potpuni mejnstrim. Ako se setimo politike Dragana Kojadinovića koji je delio novac za filmove šakom i kapom, omogućivši maltene svakome da snimi film, to nesumnjivo izgleda kao nešto što bi uradio Roger Corman.
Filmovi Zdravka Šotre, s druge strane, kao lokalni megahitovi za celu naciju, lišeni većine karakteristika nečega što bi se moglo nazvati postulatima konvencionalnog filmskog izraza, srpski su ekvivalent Bolivuda, koji takođe u svom najekscesivnijem lokalnom izdanju deluje potpuno neshvatljivo gledaocima van Indije. Šteta je što Danny Boyle nije otkrio Šotru pre Bolivuda, pošto bi se onda možda SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE dešavao u Pirotu.
Ulazak RANJENOG ORLA u bioskope posle svega čini da CRNI GRUJA zaliči na dostojanstveno delo ekipe zaista korektnih zaljubljenika u komercijalni film. U najmanju ruku, CRNI GRUJA je kusur od serije koja još uvek nije emitovana. Najava za ovo što će se dešavati sa RANJENIM ORLOM bila je MAŠA Siniše Kovačevića, ambijentalni film izmotiran po jednoj liniji priče iz serije GORKI PLODOVI – ambijentalni po tome što je samo jednom prikazan na niškom festivalu i nikada više, tako da deluje kao neka ekskluzivna produkcija koju je osmislio sam festival. Ako Budva Grad Teatar ili BITEF produciraju predstave za svoje festivalske potrebe, i u skladu sa karakteristikama ambijenta na kome se igra, zašto ne bi srpski filmski festivali pravili svoje filmove?
Logika exploitationa je naravno u tome da se sa što manje para proizvede delo koje će zainteresovati publiku. Isto tako, exploitation je sam po sebi, baziran i na izvesnim principima Serbian Cuttinga, u kome se ready made materijali koriste kako bi nadoknadili scene koje nisu snimljene ili dodali neku spektakularnost filmu. Setimo se samo kako je Corman u svoje produkcije besomučno ubacivao kadrove iz filipinskih akcijaša Ciria Santiaga, ili kako je u COCKFIGHTER Monte Hellmana ubacivao scene seksa iz drugih filmova.
U tom smislu, pravljenje filmova od serija je legitiman exploitation postupak, naročito pošto te serije privlače narod. Ipak, ono što je atipično jeste da se takvi exploitation zahvati dešavaju pod pokroviteljstvom Javnog Servisa, kuće koja bi trebalo da bude hram naše televizije i glavna podrška kvalitetnom i avangardnom dramskom programu (pogledajmo recimo kakve filmove producira BBC, pa u krajnjoj liniji i HRT) i/ili Ministarstva kulture koje bi trebalo da se bavi podržavanjem stvari koje su kvalitetne i ne mogu same da opstanu na tržištu. Uostalom, na premijeri MAŠE na niškom festivalu prisustvovao je tada već bivši premijer Vojislav Koštunica, što je isto kao da je premijeri filma HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD, satiričnom pastišu Cormanovih filmova sa ponekim sveže snimljenim scenama, 1976. godine prisustvovao Richard Nixon.
Međutim, ne, kod nas je sve obrnuto. Oni koji žele da snimaju exploitation se ponašaju kao vrhunski umetnici, a oni koji treba da štite kulturu su na nivou Joe Dantea i Allana Arkusha iz najobešenjačkijih dana. Pretvaranje serije RANJENI ORAO par meseci posle emitovanja na televiziji u film je drzak, punkerski potez. Zdravko Šotra ne može da se proglasi za večitog mladića našeg filma pošto u vreme kada se u našoj kinematografiji znao neki red, on je jako retko uopšte snimao filmove za bioskope, i nije bio mlad. Njegov uspon počinje sa rasulom koje je nastupilo u državi i kinematografiji, i što je rasulo veće, on ima sve veće hitove i sve je vitalniji.
Pojavljivanje filma RANJENI ORAO je u tom smislu revolucionaran trenutak u svetu filma, pošto je reč o dvočasovnoj verziji serije od desetak sati efektivnog trajanja koja je emitovana dva puta u manje od tri meseca i izdata je na DVDu. Ovo je produžetak jednog radikalnog eksperimenta koji je isti reditelj, Zdravko Šotra već pokušao pre desetak godina kada je izmontirao film od serije VIŠE OD IGRE, ali od distribucije tog dela na kraju ipak nije bilo ništa. Međutim, sada, desetak godina kasnije, bizarnost našeg kinematografskog trenutka dostigla je neslućene razmere.
Majstori exploitationa mogu samo da se dive našim filmskim radnicima koji operišu kao potpuni mejnstrim. Ako se setimo politike Dragana Kojadinovića koji je delio novac za filmove šakom i kapom, omogućivši maltene svakome da snimi film, to nesumnjivo izgleda kao nešto što bi uradio Roger Corman.
Filmovi Zdravka Šotre, s druge strane, kao lokalni megahitovi za celu naciju, lišeni većine karakteristika nečega što bi se moglo nazvati postulatima konvencionalnog filmskog izraza, srpski su ekvivalent Bolivuda, koji takođe u svom najekscesivnijem lokalnom izdanju deluje potpuno neshvatljivo gledaocima van Indije. Šteta je što Danny Boyle nije otkrio Šotru pre Bolivuda, pošto bi se onda možda SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE dešavao u Pirotu.
Ulazak RANJENOG ORLA u bioskope posle svega čini da CRNI GRUJA zaliči na dostojanstveno delo ekipe zaista korektnih zaljubljenika u komercijalni film. U najmanju ruku, CRNI GRUJA je kusur od serije koja još uvek nije emitovana. Najava za ovo što će se dešavati sa RANJENIM ORLOM bila je MAŠA Siniše Kovačevića, ambijentalni film izmotiran po jednoj liniji priče iz serije GORKI PLODOVI – ambijentalni po tome što je samo jednom prikazan na niškom festivalu i nikada više, tako da deluje kao neka ekskluzivna produkcija koju je osmislio sam festival. Ako Budva Grad Teatar ili BITEF produciraju predstave za svoje festivalske potrebe, i u skladu sa karakteristikama ambijenta na kome se igra, zašto ne bi srpski filmski festivali pravili svoje filmove?
Logika exploitationa je naravno u tome da se sa što manje para proizvede delo koje će zainteresovati publiku. Isto tako, exploitation je sam po sebi, baziran i na izvesnim principima Serbian Cuttinga, u kome se ready made materijali koriste kako bi nadoknadili scene koje nisu snimljene ili dodali neku spektakularnost filmu. Setimo se samo kako je Corman u svoje produkcije besomučno ubacivao kadrove iz filipinskih akcijaša Ciria Santiaga, ili kako je u COCKFIGHTER Monte Hellmana ubacivao scene seksa iz drugih filmova.
U tom smislu, pravljenje filmova od serija je legitiman exploitation postupak, naročito pošto te serije privlače narod. Ipak, ono što je atipično jeste da se takvi exploitation zahvati dešavaju pod pokroviteljstvom Javnog Servisa, kuće koja bi trebalo da bude hram naše televizije i glavna podrška kvalitetnom i avangardnom dramskom programu (pogledajmo recimo kakve filmove producira BBC, pa u krajnjoj liniji i HRT) i/ili Ministarstva kulture koje bi trebalo da se bavi podržavanjem stvari koje su kvalitetne i ne mogu same da opstanu na tržištu. Uostalom, na premijeri MAŠE na niškom festivalu prisustvovao je tada već bivši premijer Vojislav Koštunica, što je isto kao da je premijeri filma HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD, satiričnom pastišu Cormanovih filmova sa ponekim sveže snimljenim scenama, 1976. godine prisustvovao Richard Nixon.
Međutim, ne, kod nas je sve obrnuto. Oni koji žele da snimaju exploitation se ponašaju kao vrhunski umetnici, a oni koji treba da štite kulturu su na nivou Joe Dantea i Allana Arkusha iz najobešenjačkijih dana. Pretvaranje serije RANJENI ORAO par meseci posle emitovanja na televiziji u film je drzak, punkerski potez. Zdravko Šotra ne može da se proglasi za večitog mladića našeg filma pošto u vreme kada se u našoj kinematografiji znao neki red, on je jako retko uopšte snimao filmove za bioskope, i nije bio mlad. Njegov uspon počinje sa rasulom koje je nastupilo u državi i kinematografiji, i što je rasulo veće, on ima sve veće hitove i sve je vitalniji.
U ovom bejnaminbuttonovskom procesu, Šotra je danas izrastao u najveće derište našeg filma, čijoj drskosti mladi autori mogu samo da pozavide.
Na jednoj od prvih slika iz povratničkog glumačkog ostvarenja Mela Gibsona EDGE OF DARKNESS vidi se i glumica iz ŠIŠANJA Bojana Novaković koja u filmu igra njegovu ćerku. EDGE OF DARKNESS je rimejk čuvene BBC mini-serije. Režira ga Martin Campbell koji je potpisao i izvorno televizijsko izdanje koje se smatra jednim od BBC klasika. Bojaninu ulogu je u originalu igrala Joanne Whalley.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
JACK CARDIFF R.I.P. (1914-2009)
Danas nas je zatekla tužna vest da je preminuo Jack Cardiff, jedan od najvažnijih direktora fotografije u istoriji filma, i jedan od vrlo dragocenih i potcenjenih reditelja. Njegova radna biografija proteže se na preko sedamdeset godina a među čuvene filmove koje je snimao spadaju BLACK NARCISSUS, THE RED SHOES, THE AFRICAN QUEEN, THE BAREFOOT CONTESSA, RAMBO II a između ostalih radio je sa klasicima kao što su Powell, Hitchcock, Ford, Hathaway i Huston.
Kao reditelj potpisao je jedan od najvećih guys on a mission flickova svih vremena THE MERCENARIES (na TCMu ga često emituju pod naslovom DARK OF THE SUN) koji Martin Scorsese i Quentin Tarantino redovno stavljaju na svoje liste omiljenih filmova. Pored njega, potpisao je i jedan od groovy 60s naslova THE GIRL ON A MOTORCYCLE sa Alain Delonom i Marianne Faithfull, jednu od boljih parodija na Bonda THE LIQUIDATOR a u korežiji sa legendarnim John Fordom snimio je film YOUNG CASSIDY.
Bio je jedan od najredovnijih stranaca u raju, u Jugoslaviji je snimao čuveni film THE LONG SHIPS koji se redovno pominje kao jedna od najvećih koprodukcija u istoriji, i kao jedan od setova koji su zauvek zapamćeni kod naših filmskih radnika, a zatim i vestern SCALAWAG, film poznat po tome što je na njemu potpisan i Zoran Čalić kao reditelj u jednom trenutku.
Jack Cardiff je ostavio bogat i značajan opus, iako njegovo ime nije onoliko poznato koliko ovakva biografija zaslužuje.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
U emisiji AMERICAN IDOL puišten je mali klip o snimanju INGLOURIOUS BASTERDSa u kome se pored snimanja vide i novi kadrovi iz filma. Uživajte!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sutra, u četvrtak, od 14 do 16 časova, na webradiju Novi Radio Beograd, u emisiji SPECIJALNO NEVAPITANJE govori se o BEOGRADSKOM FANTOMU. Ivan Velisavljević i Jelena Đurović će u studiju razgovarati sa scenaristom filma Kostom Peševskim, a biće emitovan i intervju sa rediteljem Jovanom Todorovićem. Slušajte obavezno!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Danas je neprijatno iznenadila vest da je preminula Marilyn Chambers, ne samo prva superzvezda u porno industriji već i jedna od prvih koja je uspela da pređe iz sveta porno filma u mejnstrim i čak glumi u Cronenbergovom remek-delu RABID.
AVN je, naravno, napravio najbolji presek njene karijere.
Marilyn Chambers, Legendary Adult Actress, Dead at 56
The world-famous performer worked in both XXX and mainstream films
By Mark Kernes 04/13/2009
SANTA CLARITA, Calif. — Marilyn Chambers, star of such golden age classics as Behind the Green Door and Insatiable, was found dead Sunday in the mobile home where she had been living for the past several months. She was 56, but would have celebrated her next birthday on April 22. Chambers was found by her daughter, McKenna. No cause of death is yet known, and an autopsy will be performed.
Chambers, who said she began performing under her real name because she was unashamed of what she did, was nonetheless born Marilyn Ann Briggs, and she made 16 movies during the period 1972 to 1986, mostly for the Mitchell Brothers and Caballero Home Video. It was at Caballero that she created the series Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies. During this period, she was married to her manager, Chuck Traynor, and though they were divorced in 1985, when Chambers made her comeback film for VCA Pictures, Still Insatiable, in 1998, she requested that Traynor be present for the filming to lend her moral support. The comeback, however, was short-lived, generating just nine movies, some of which were non-sex roles. Chambers tried her hand at producing as well, creating what was hoped to be a continuing series, Nantucket Housewives, for her own company, Damaged Productions.
SANTA CLARITA, Calif. — Marilyn Chambers, star of such golden age classics as Behind the Green Door and Insatiable, was found dead Sunday in the mobile home where she had been living for the past several months. She was 56, but would have celebrated her next birthday on April 22. Chambers was found by her daughter, McKenna. No cause of death is yet known, and an autopsy will be performed.
Chambers, who said she began performing under her real name because she was unashamed of what she did, was nonetheless born Marilyn Ann Briggs, and she made 16 movies during the period 1972 to 1986, mostly for the Mitchell Brothers and Caballero Home Video. It was at Caballero that she created the series Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies. During this period, she was married to her manager, Chuck Traynor, and though they were divorced in 1985, when Chambers made her comeback film for VCA Pictures, Still Insatiable, in 1998, she requested that Traynor be present for the filming to lend her moral support. The comeback, however, was short-lived, generating just nine movies, some of which were non-sex roles. Chambers tried her hand at producing as well, creating what was hoped to be a continuing series, Nantucket Housewives, for her own company, Damaged Productions.
More recently, Chambers essayed the voice of title character in the upcoming feature, Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie, a live-action comedy directed by Greg Blatman, featuring canine actors with voices dubbed by such familiar porn names as Ron Jeremy, Tera Patrick, Evan Seinfeld and Heidi Fleiss.
According to a synopsis on the Internet Movie Database, "Sadie, the most beautiful Yellow Lab in the whole wide world, lives an idyllic, pampered life in the suburbs. One day, she comes into heat and has no idea what to do with her new found feelings and urges. When she learns that her loving owners are about to have her spayed, she runs away to the big city where her sexual adventures begin."
"We had a great time doing the voices," Jeremy told AVN. "We went up to San Francisco for it. Marilyn was looking great and really excited about it."
"My greatest memory of Marilyn is, I was just a kid out of New York 28 years ago, and Bob Vezey was shooting a book, 'Marilyn Chambers' Love Positions'," Jeremy continued. "He was shooting a layout for both Club magazine and for the book, and I had just won a trip to Mexico on Wheel of Fortune, but when he called me to do this, I cancelled three days off my Mexican vacation. So I got to do this book. The book was supposed to be softcore, but I kept getting an erection, because when the pressure is off, you get a boner even quicker. And Bob Vezey was saying, 'You've got to hide it, Ron; we don't want to see it.' So Marilyn says, 'Hide it right here.' Oh, my God - right into the vagina. And Chuck Traynor looks over and goes, 'Well, so much for softcore.' I was in heaven. I was in love with her from that day on, for life. And I stood in when she had a scene with her boyfriend on Insatiable 2; I stood in for her boyfriend."
The pair had also been signed to appear in an off-Broadway production of "Deep Throat The Play," with Chambers scheduled to play the role, especially written for her, of Linda Lovelace's "aging porn star girlfriend," according to Robert Interlandi, who was handling rights for the project for Arrow Productions.
Lovelace and Chambers had been long-time friends, having both been married to Traynor at different points in their careers.
"They were supposed to do the final contract signing for 'Deep Throat The Play' today," Interlandi said. "It was originally going to run in Boston, but we got kicked out of the theater, so now it's going to play in mid-July at the World Theater in New York. Funny enough, that's where Deep Throat originally played, so it makes full circle. But she really wanted to be a part of 'Deep Throat The Play' in some fashion, so they wrote her into the script."
"What a charming woman," echoed the play's producer, David Bertolino. "I'm shocked to hear that she passed away. I was just notified this morning. She was starring in our show. We're opening on Broadway in July, and we're just devastated over it. I called Marilyn's house this morning and I was speaking to Peggy McGinn, who is Marilyn's best friend and also her attorney, and she told me that Marilyn on Friday got my text letting her know that she'd be getting a call from our general manager to finalize the contract today, so she was very excited about coming on board. We're going into rehearsals in June, and we're shocked, we're devastated."
Bertolino said that Chamber had spent three days with him in New York in January, where she auditioned for the associate producer and director, and "she aced it; she was wonderful."
Howie Klein, co-owner of Caballero Home Video, also recalled Chambers as "a really nice, very pleasant woman. I liked her a lot."
"We went on the road together to promote her stuff," Klein remembered. "We hit Cleveland, New York and Philadelphia. One thing that really sticks out in my mind, when we were in Philly, she took me to this place that had sensory deprivation tanks. It was incredible. We both went in these sensory deprivation tanks. It was really neat. I also took her to IVD's first open house that [Frank Kaye] had way back in '82 in Hightstown [New Jersey]. He was new in the business and he had an open house, so I took her there."
It was on that same trip that Chambers encountered the publisher of a fledgling adult-oriented magazine.
"The first interview I ever did for AVN was Marilyn Chambers," said AVN founder Paul Fishbein. "She was in town to promote the theatrical release of Insatiable 2. So I put on a suit and went down to the hotel to interview her for one of the early issues of AVN, and I was completely intimidated, I was nervous and I could barely get the words out. I started to interview her, and she had her bodyguard in the room, but after a few minutes, she sent him out, and in the middle of the interview, she stops and she looks at me and she says, 'God, I'm horny!' I didn't know what to say or what to do, so I just went on to the next question and finished the interview. I was totally terrified of her. And I told her the story about 20 years later and she just laughed her ass off and said, 'Ah, I probably would have slept with you.' I was just so nervous around her."
Chambers' very first movie, though, was Behind the Green Door, a landmark for its time both because it featured the "99 and 44/100 percent pure girl" - Chambers had appeared recently as the "cover girl" on boxes of Ivory Snow detergent - and because it featured her in a scorching interracial scene with popular performer Johnnie Keyes.
"We were really close," Keyes told AVN. "I'm still in shock. It's like it's not even really hitting me yet. I don't know what my feelings are. It's like my brain is protecting me right but the gloom is starting to set in."
Other performers of the day were more forthcoming.
"She made an impression because she was my first big star in porn," recalled Tom Byron. "The first day I showed up on the set, we were shooting dialog sequences at the Palomino Club in North Hollywood, so I just remember it being a very surreal experience, being with Marilyn Chambers in the place where they shot the fight sequence in Hooper. Plus Redd Foxx came to the set that day. Apparently, he was a friend of Marilyn's and showed up. I was so green, Marilyn had to teach me a couple of things, like how to put my dick in her ass. As a matter of fact, she might have been the very first girl I ever fucked in the ass, now that I think about it; yeah. I just remember little patches of it, because it was just such a surreal fucking experience."
On the other hand, Paul Thomas found Chambers and her people somewhat intimidating.
"I was cast in Insatiable 2 opposite her, and when it came time for my scene with her, I was a little bit nervous about it," he said. "And then she marches in with her manager Chuck Traynor and her hairdresser and a whole entourage of people, and it became more like fucking a corporation than a person, and I couldn't achieve erection; I couldn't come close. So they brought in the girl who was about to do the next scene, and she fluffed me, and I got hard immediately, and Marilyn came in and I got soft, and they brought the girl in again and I got hard. I think Shanna McCullough was there too, helping me out. Finally, it just didn't work, so they called the scene, and I finished it a couple of months later at [Godfrey Daniels'] house with Cara Lott as a stunt butt, and that's my Marilyn memory."
Chambers' final hardcore movie in the early days was Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies 6, for Miracle Films, which produced nine of her films altogether, but during that period, she was making inroads into the mainstream film career that she'd always wanted. In 1983, she starred in the sexy spy thriller Angel of H.E.A.T., and in '77, snagged the starring role in David Cronenberg's horror film Rabid. She also created several sexy titles for cable TV, including Party Girls, New York Nights, Bedtime Fantasies and Sextrospective.
Finally, Chambers decided to once again take the plunge into XXX, signing a three-movie contract with VCA Pictures, all of which to be directed by her longtime friend, Veronica Hart, the first of which was Still Insatiable.
"It was really great, because we had a mainstream writer write it, who had had a couple of very successful books, but he was a big fan of Marilyn's," recalled Hart, who took the news of Chambers' death very hard. "Marilyn had come to [VCA owner] Russell [Hampshire] and we were so thrilled to be able to get her for this three-picture deal, and I was so delighted to be able to work with her because she was my girlfriend and we'd worked a lot of stuff before. We did a lot of R-rated stuff for cable."
"When I first met Marilyn, I was just getting into the business and she was already such a huge star," Hart continued, "and when I saw her, she had her entourage around her and Chuck [Traynor] was there, and she was such a big star, and I thought, 'Oh my gosh, if only I could be like Marilyn!' She was so sweet to me, and then it was such a thrill to be able to work with her, first acting in the R-rated stuff, and then directing her in the X-rated stuff. She was such a good actress. We always talked about that we were going to do like a Cagney & Lacey; she always wanted to do some kind of police detective show for cable. She said, 'Hey, we can do this. We're good actresses. We can do this.' And she was just such a great actress and a really good person. She loved animals and she loved kids, and she was just a really, really great gal. I'm so glad I got to work with her and I'm so sad."
After her VCA contract was completed, Chambers worked a variety of jobs in the Los Angeles area, including salesperson for an adult DVD distributor, salesperson at a used car dealership, and as an animal rescue worker. She also worked as a home care nurse shortly after the death of her parents in approximately 2004.
"She was working at an animal place the last time I knew," Hart said. "It was like an animal care place. She was hauling bags of feed in, and she didn't want anybody to know. But she said it was good because she was losing a lot of weight. She had gone through a lot. She lost her mom and her dad, and that was about - I guess that was about five years ago, now. And she went back and she became a home health care nurse, but I don't think she could make a successful living at it, but she wanted to take care of people. She'd taken care of her parents."
In all, Chambers appeared in just 23 hardcore films, including Behind the Green Door, The Resurrection of Eve, Inside Marilyn Chambers, Beyond DeSade, Never a Tender Moment, Insatiable 1 & 2, Charli, Up 'n Coming, Marilyn Chambers' Private Fantasies 1-6, Still Insatiable, Dark Chambers, Edge Play, Marilyn Chambers' Guide to Dirty Dancing, Nantucket Housewives, Marilyn Chambers' Guide to Anal Sex, Marilyn Chambers' Guide to Masturbation and Marilyn Chambers' Guide to Oral Sex.
No information has yet been given out about the actual cause of her death, nor what funeral arrangements have been made.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Edgar Wright je počeo snimanje svog novog filma SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD po stripu Bryana O'Malleya. Kao i za vreme snimanja HOT FUZZ, snimaće po jedan video blog sedmično. Pogledajte uvodni klip.
Blog One - Introduction - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World from Scott Pilgrim The Movie on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Pogledajte muzički klip iz FANTOMA sa Biserinom pesmom i uzbudljivim poterama. Ko posle ovoga ne ode da pogleda film...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sa ponosom vas obaveštavamo da je BEOGRADSKI FANTOM prošlog vikenda bio na prvom mestu srpske top liste sa zaradom od 1 151 980 dinara, dok je SVETI GEORGIJE UBIVA AŽDAHU zauzeo drugo mesto sa 945 114 dinara!
Ako imamo u vidu da je u našim bioskopima već sedmicama AŽDAHA bila maltene jedini film, da FANTOM ima oko pet puta manje kopija od AŽDAHE (22 naspram 5), to ovaj uspeh čini još većim!
Ekipa BEOGRADSKOG FANTOMA odlučila je da nam pokloni DJ Brkin remiks pesme Nikada više Bisere Valetanlić. Možete ga skinuti odavde! Potpuno legalno. Ne bojte se ništa. Nećete ići u zatvor.
Počela su hapšenja popularizatora filma u Srbiji. Neki među njima će završiti i u zatvoru. Evo šta nam danas sa radošću javlja Taramountov newsletter.
Poštovane kolege,
Obaveštavamo vas da je 03. aprila donešena presuda suda u Nišu, kojom je usvojena žalba tužilaštva, a kojom je najveći niški pirat, Srđan Nikolić, osuđen na 3 meseca zatvora.Ova informacija je veoma važna jer je ovo jedan od retkih slučajeva da je bavljenje piraterijom dovelo do kazne ove vrste, pa se nadamo da će naterati i ostale da se duboko zamisle i prekinu ovaj lanac koji je, nažalost, već doneo previše štete domaćim distributerima.
Srdačan pozdrav
Marija i Danijela
Srđan Nikolić je niški pirat.
Popularizovao je film u sredini u kojoj nema bioskopa, a i to što ima nije na odgovarajućem nivou.