Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hrvatska javnost je počela da se priprema za distribuciju ŽIVOTA I SMRTI PORNO BANDE Mladena Đorđevića. Tamošnja TV Nova napravila je prilog o filmu a izašli su i tekstovi o njemu koje možete pročitati na ovom linku. Pogledajte.
Ovog vikenda se Mel Gibson vraća u bioskope sa filmom EDGE OF DARKNESS. Za par sedmica Bruce Willis u filmu COP OUT pokušaće da podseti na slavne dane buddy cop filma osamdesetih. Producent koji tu eru, Joel Silver vraća se old school akcionom filmu sa ekranizacijom DC stripa THE LOSERS. Po scenariju jednog od naših omiljenih reditelja Petera Berga, trejler obećava tvrdu i nepretencioznu comic book akciju, pogledajte ga.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Snimanjem intervjua sa Kirilom Džajkovskim danas u Ljubljani počinje snimanje dokumentarnog filma TESLA TUNES Borisa Dolenca. TESLA TUNES je radni naslov dokumentarnog filma koji će se baviti istorijom jugoslovenske elektronske muzike u vreme SFRJ. Ovaj projekat se može smatrati svojevrsnim jugoslovenskim odgovorom na BBC dokumentarac SYNTH BRITANNIA, koncipirali su ga Dimitrije (koji je i scenarista filma) i Andrej Štritof slovenački filmski producent koji je pre ulaska u kinematografiju svirao u Otrocima Socijalizma, radio kao muzički producent i menadžer grupe Videosex. U planu su snimanja širom bivše Jugoslavije na savim ključnim tačkama za istoriju jugoslovenske elektronske muzike. Reditelj Boris Dolenc osvojio je nagradu za animirani film na prošlogodišnjem nacionalnom festivalu slovenačkog filma u Portorožu.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Danas smo naišli na ovu vest o srpskoj pozorišnoj adaptaciji AVATARa. Mislimo da je prilikom izbora reditelja trebalo parirati Cameronu i ako već mora da se radi domaća postavka, uzeti Dejana Mijača da je režira. No, SF stalno nailazi na predrasude kao materijal za decu čak i onda kada stoji kao globalni fenomen. U svakom slučaju evo vesti iz današnjih dnevnih novina:
“Avatar” u “Buhi”
Histerija oko “Avatara” proširila se i na daske koje život znače. Beogradsko pozorište “Boško Buha” priprema pozorišnu predstavu “Avatar” po filmu Džejmsa Kamerona. “Posle dosta dugih i mučnih pregovora, otkupili smo prava da napravimo pozorišnu predstavu Avatar”, kaže upravnik “Buhe” Boško Đorđević. Đorđević podseća da je “Buha” i ranije imala iskustava sa pozorišnim verzijama poznatih filmova, pre svega na svojoj večernjoj sceni. “Avatar će biti komad za celu porodicu i igraće se u terminu dečjih predstava. Ipak, siguran sam da će i odrasli imati šta da vide u ovoj predstavi.”
Sigurno da će deo odrasle, pre svega muške publike, obradovati informacija da će glavnu junakinju Nejfiri igrati Aleksandra Janković, dok su kandidati za ulogu Džejka Salija u navijevskoj verziji Ivan Bosiljčić i Vojin Ćetković. U ulogama Zemljana pojaviće sa Maša Dakić kao doktorka Ogustin, Boro Stjepanović kao pohlepni menadžer Parker Selfridž. dok je jedan naš poznati glumac nižeg rasta u pregovorima za ulogu pukovnika Kvodriča.
Ogromni zahtevi će biti postavljeni pred šminkerku Dudu Bušatliju koja će imati puno posla sa likovima visokih plavih vanzemaljaca Navija. “Okupićemo vrhunsku autorsku ekipu”, kaže upravnik “Buhe”, “scenografiju radi iskusni Miodrag Tabački, kostime Angelina Atlagić a muziku Sanja Ilić.”
Dramatizaciju scenarija Džejmsa Kamerona napisaće Igor Bojović, autor nekih od najvećih hitova pozorišta “Boško Buha” a za režiju je zadužen pouzdani Milan Karadžić. Za sada se zna jedna od krupnih promena u odnosu na filmski scenario koji smo uspeli da ekskluzivno saznamo, a to je da božanstvo Ejva neće biti samo pomenuto već će biti otelotvoreno u pojavi barda našeg glumišta - Petra Božovića.
“Ukoliko želite da vidite Avatar stvarno u tri dimenzije, dođite u Buhu”, zaključuje kroz šalu upravnik ovog teatra.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Popboks je danas prigodno podsetio na dva esencijalna teksta Dragana Jeličića o Jamesu Cameronu iz 1990. godine. Možete ih pročitati na ovom linku.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Imamo nekoliko novih informacija o ZONI MRTVIH. Prvo, film ima zakazan datum izlaska DVDa u Srbiji, u izdanju Tucka. DVD će se naći na ulicama 5. februara. Od bonusa će imati trejlere, muzički spot, TV spotove i featurette o specijalnim efektima Miroslava Lakobrije plus jedno iznenađenje. Od 1. marta, film će moći da se u kupi u Britaniji, u izdanju kuće Metrodome Video, a odavde se može naručiti sa Amazona. Naslov za britansko tržište biće APOCALYPSE OF THE DEAD.
Tokom marta, ZONA MRTVIH izlazi i na DVDu u Francuskoj pre toga će biti prikazana na Festival du filme fantastique Gerardmer koji se dešava krajem januara.

ŽIVOT I SMRT PORNO BANDE ispraćen je u nemačkom časopisu SPLATTING IMAGE.
Intervju sa rediteljem Mladenom Đorđevićem možete pročitati na engleskom OVDE. Dok kritiku, takođe na engleskom, prenosimo OVDE.
Koga zanima da pročita izvorni tekst na nemačkom, može to da učini na ovim linkovima
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Muzej savremene umetnosti raspisuje interesantan konkurs za učešće na radionici koju će voditi jedan od najvećih reditelja naše kinematografije, Želimir Žilnik:
Detalje o konkursu možete naći OVDE
Филмска радионица Желимира Жилника
Музеј савремене уметности расписао је конкурс за учешће у филмској радионици на тему "Од 'дионизијског социјализма' до 'предаторског капитализма'" редитеља Желимира Жилника.
Конкурс ће бити отворен до 15. фебруара.Центар за визуелну културу Музеја савремене уметности из Београда расписао је конкурс за учешће у филмској радионици на тему "Од 'дионизијског социјализма' до 'предаторског капитализма'" коју ће водити редитељ Конкурс ће бити отворен до 15. фебруара, а на њему могу да учествују филмски и видео аутори до 30 година старости, саопштено је из МСУ.
Detalje o konkursu možete naći OVDE
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010

U februaru nas očekuje izlazak ZONE MRTVIH na DVDu u Velikoj Britaniji, Japanu i Srbiji. Prvi konkretan datum koji se zna je peti februar u Japanu. Japansko izdanje se može i naručiti na ovoj adresi.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
NAJAVA 2010.

Naši drugari Đorđe i Zoran su napisali najavu srpskih filmova u 2010. godini na Popboksu. Pročitajte obavezno.
ŽIVOT I SMRT PORNO BANDE našla se na listi najboljih deset filmova po izboru Mitch Davisa programera uglednog montrealskog festivala FANTASIA.
Fantasia's Mitch Davis Picks His Favorites Of 2009
by Todd Brown, January 4, 2010 10:36 AM
[Just when you thought the onslaught of Year End lists had come to an end here comes another. We welcome Mitch Davis - head of International Programming at Montreal's Fantasia Festival and a very good friend to this site - with his year end wrap up.]Ignore the grumpy naysayers who groan that 2009 was a weak year for world cinema. Nothing could be further from the truth. Below are my top 11 picks, personal favourites among favourites (a top 30 list would have been unwieldy!). It bears mentioning that at the time of this writing, I've not yet seen THE WHITE RIBBON, MOTHER, IL DIVO, SYMBOL, VERMILLION SOULS or ACCIDENT, to name but a few. In other words, this list, like all lists, is an incomplete snapshot.
11. IN THE LOOPIf there was a funnier film this year, I must have missed it. Subversive, acerbic and gut-wrenchingly hilarious, like DR STRANGELOVE meets THE OFFICE. Incredible.
10. DRAG ME TO HELLSam Raimi's volume-eleven return to the genre is everything much of us had been hoping for: a grossout EC-comic rollercoaster that combines Grand Guignol horror, loopy wide-eyed humour and extreme physical trauma to make an epic of morbidly cartoonish grotesquery of the sort that only Raimi in his prime could pull off. PG-13 rating be damned, this film delivered.
9. THE CLONE RETURNS HOME (Kurôn wa kokyô wo mezasu)This hypnotic science-fiction film from Kanji Nakajima is a cerebral discourse on memory and mourning whose tone can perhaps best be described as an Eastern Tarkovsky work. Staged with patience and precision, it's the sort of reflective, whisper-quiet film that rarely sees production in this age. It's plot is very similar to that of MOON (also a great film, though, in my opinion, the inferior of the two), which must have been strange for audiences at Sundance 2009, where both films were showcased!
8. ANTICHRIST'nuff said.
7. A SERIOUS MANFrom its jaw-dropping Hassidic Bava opening to its quietly disturbing finale, this stripped-down, celebrity-free masterpiece is one of the strongest Coen Brothers films to date. For whatever reason, it's also among the least talked-about. I'm not sure if my having been expelled from Hebrew school in Grade II - and subsequently losing my grasp of nine tenths of the language and culture - has anything to do with it, but this astounding, black satire of Jewish life had me laughing, gasping and cringing like few films have this year. It also managed to break my heart and leave me in dizzy, queasy waves. Brilliant casting across the board as well, with the imaginatively beat-perfect scripting and direction that we've come to expect from the Coens. If you missed it, and going from the film's dire box office numbers, you probably have, make a viewing one of your new year's resolutions.
6. INGLOURIOUS BASTERDSTarantino's alternate reality WWII epic is one of the most unlikely studio films of the year, 80% of it told in languages other than English, as it questions the nature of morality and retribution in the most purely cinematic terms imaginable. Masterful filmmaking, featuring among its countless attributes, some of the most impressive cinematography of Robert Richardson's career. Extra points awarded for a bizarrely show-stopping tip of the hat to Eurohorror thesp Hugo Stiglitz!
5. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A PORNO GANG (Zivot i smrt porno bande)Simply put, this is the gutsiest, most shocking film of 2009. It is to Serbian culture what CLOCKWORK ORANGE was to Great Britain. With this film, about a travelling "porno cabaret" who travel from village to village performing unusual live sex acts as a means of sexual confrontation, before taking their disciplines into darker, deadlier places, writer/ director Mladen Djordjevic joins ranks with Gaspar Noé, Lars Von Trier, Takashi Miike and Michael Haneke as one of the most daring and provocative filmmakers working today. You likely haven't heard of this film because, aside from the always-great Raindance Film Festival in the UK, most fests have been too scared to go near it (to be fair, the film does plainly break obscenity codes in many parts of the world)
4. ENTER THE VOID (Soudain le vide) VOID is an imperfect film, but that doesn't matter in the slightest. As a staunchly individualistic work of deeply raw, deeply personal expression, it's one of the purest films of its kind, and this writer can only stare in awe before the unadulterated emotional force of it. An extraordinary accomplishment by any standards and a landmark in no holds barred personal visions burned into light. That it was made on such a grandiose scale is no small miracle in these times. It bears mentioning that I saw the Tiff cut of the film, not the earlier, and apparently, less sharpened, version that screened in Cannes. I was enthralled every second of the way, and it was my favourite film of Tiff 2009, not to mention the most wholly cinematic, unfolding in a visual / aural language all its own.
3. PONTYPOOL The most original Canadian genre film since VIDEODROME and one of the most effective comedy/horrors I've seen in many years - in that it manages to be both laugh out loud funny and utterly terrifying with neither element eclipsing the other. A work of absolute genius, exceptionally well-scripted and directed, with a central performance by Stephen McHattie that is nothing short of stunning. I saw at a festival screening in 2008, but since the film only saw theatrical release in 2009 (and because I want everyone and their language-infected dog to know about this underseen gem), I'm listing it here.
2. AMER This incredible feature debut from Belgian co-directing duo Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani, following a decade of award-winning short film work (if you'll forgive a shameless-but-useful plug, their CHAMBRE JAUNE can be seen on the Fantasia SMALL GAUGE TRAUMA dvd, released by Synapse Films) is a visually-dazzling psychosexual horror/thriller told in three parts, lensed with more style and ingenuity than almost the entire canon of Giallo films that have inspired it. It is a compelling re-invention of '60s and '70s Italian film aesthetics that uses these re-worked visual codes as a vehicle for personal storytelling, fuelled with passion, pain and a ferociously original point-of-view. Breathtaking.
1 LOVE EXPOSURE (Ai no mukidashi)Sion Sono's exhilarating ode to the agony of love is a 4-hour hurricane of adoration and hysteria, poetry and perversion, humour and horror that juggles contrasting styles and tones like nothing you've ever seen. LOVE EXPOSURE is my top film of 2009 and one of the standout productions of the decade. It is pure euphoria. ________________
Most auspicious feature directorial debuts: a six-way tie (can that even be done??) between: AMER, BREATHLESS, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF LITTLE DIZZLE, THE LOVED ONES, MUST LOVE DEATH, WHITE LIGHTNIN'
Fantasia's Mitch Davis Picks His Favorites Of 2009
by Todd Brown, January 4, 2010 10:36 AM
[Just when you thought the onslaught of Year End lists had come to an end here comes another. We welcome Mitch Davis - head of International Programming at Montreal's Fantasia Festival and a very good friend to this site - with his year end wrap up.]Ignore the grumpy naysayers who groan that 2009 was a weak year for world cinema. Nothing could be further from the truth. Below are my top 11 picks, personal favourites among favourites (a top 30 list would have been unwieldy!). It bears mentioning that at the time of this writing, I've not yet seen THE WHITE RIBBON, MOTHER, IL DIVO, SYMBOL, VERMILLION SOULS or ACCIDENT, to name but a few. In other words, this list, like all lists, is an incomplete snapshot.
11. IN THE LOOPIf there was a funnier film this year, I must have missed it. Subversive, acerbic and gut-wrenchingly hilarious, like DR STRANGELOVE meets THE OFFICE. Incredible.
10. DRAG ME TO HELLSam Raimi's volume-eleven return to the genre is everything much of us had been hoping for: a grossout EC-comic rollercoaster that combines Grand Guignol horror, loopy wide-eyed humour and extreme physical trauma to make an epic of morbidly cartoonish grotesquery of the sort that only Raimi in his prime could pull off. PG-13 rating be damned, this film delivered.
9. THE CLONE RETURNS HOME (Kurôn wa kokyô wo mezasu)This hypnotic science-fiction film from Kanji Nakajima is a cerebral discourse on memory and mourning whose tone can perhaps best be described as an Eastern Tarkovsky work. Staged with patience and precision, it's the sort of reflective, whisper-quiet film that rarely sees production in this age. It's plot is very similar to that of MOON (also a great film, though, in my opinion, the inferior of the two), which must have been strange for audiences at Sundance 2009, where both films were showcased!
8. ANTICHRIST'nuff said.
7. A SERIOUS MANFrom its jaw-dropping Hassidic Bava opening to its quietly disturbing finale, this stripped-down, celebrity-free masterpiece is one of the strongest Coen Brothers films to date. For whatever reason, it's also among the least talked-about. I'm not sure if my having been expelled from Hebrew school in Grade II - and subsequently losing my grasp of nine tenths of the language and culture - has anything to do with it, but this astounding, black satire of Jewish life had me laughing, gasping and cringing like few films have this year. It also managed to break my heart and leave me in dizzy, queasy waves. Brilliant casting across the board as well, with the imaginatively beat-perfect scripting and direction that we've come to expect from the Coens. If you missed it, and going from the film's dire box office numbers, you probably have, make a viewing one of your new year's resolutions.
6. INGLOURIOUS BASTERDSTarantino's alternate reality WWII epic is one of the most unlikely studio films of the year, 80% of it told in languages other than English, as it questions the nature of morality and retribution in the most purely cinematic terms imaginable. Masterful filmmaking, featuring among its countless attributes, some of the most impressive cinematography of Robert Richardson's career. Extra points awarded for a bizarrely show-stopping tip of the hat to Eurohorror thesp Hugo Stiglitz!
5. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A PORNO GANG (Zivot i smrt porno bande)Simply put, this is the gutsiest, most shocking film of 2009. It is to Serbian culture what CLOCKWORK ORANGE was to Great Britain. With this film, about a travelling "porno cabaret" who travel from village to village performing unusual live sex acts as a means of sexual confrontation, before taking their disciplines into darker, deadlier places, writer/ director Mladen Djordjevic joins ranks with Gaspar Noé, Lars Von Trier, Takashi Miike and Michael Haneke as one of the most daring and provocative filmmakers working today. You likely haven't heard of this film because, aside from the always-great Raindance Film Festival in the UK, most fests have been too scared to go near it (to be fair, the film does plainly break obscenity codes in many parts of the world)
4. ENTER THE VOID (Soudain le vide) VOID is an imperfect film, but that doesn't matter in the slightest. As a staunchly individualistic work of deeply raw, deeply personal expression, it's one of the purest films of its kind, and this writer can only stare in awe before the unadulterated emotional force of it. An extraordinary accomplishment by any standards and a landmark in no holds barred personal visions burned into light. That it was made on such a grandiose scale is no small miracle in these times. It bears mentioning that I saw the Tiff cut of the film, not the earlier, and apparently, less sharpened, version that screened in Cannes. I was enthralled every second of the way, and it was my favourite film of Tiff 2009, not to mention the most wholly cinematic, unfolding in a visual / aural language all its own.
3. PONTYPOOL The most original Canadian genre film since VIDEODROME and one of the most effective comedy/horrors I've seen in many years - in that it manages to be both laugh out loud funny and utterly terrifying with neither element eclipsing the other. A work of absolute genius, exceptionally well-scripted and directed, with a central performance by Stephen McHattie that is nothing short of stunning. I saw at a festival screening in 2008, but since the film only saw theatrical release in 2009 (and because I want everyone and their language-infected dog to know about this underseen gem), I'm listing it here.
2. AMER This incredible feature debut from Belgian co-directing duo Helene Cattet & Bruno Forzani, following a decade of award-winning short film work (if you'll forgive a shameless-but-useful plug, their CHAMBRE JAUNE can be seen on the Fantasia SMALL GAUGE TRAUMA dvd, released by Synapse Films) is a visually-dazzling psychosexual horror/thriller told in three parts, lensed with more style and ingenuity than almost the entire canon of Giallo films that have inspired it. It is a compelling re-invention of '60s and '70s Italian film aesthetics that uses these re-worked visual codes as a vehicle for personal storytelling, fuelled with passion, pain and a ferociously original point-of-view. Breathtaking.
1 LOVE EXPOSURE (Ai no mukidashi)Sion Sono's exhilarating ode to the agony of love is a 4-hour hurricane of adoration and hysteria, poetry and perversion, humour and horror that juggles contrasting styles and tones like nothing you've ever seen. LOVE EXPOSURE is my top film of 2009 and one of the standout productions of the decade. It is pure euphoria. ________________
Most auspicious feature directorial debuts: a six-way tie (can that even be done??) between: AMER, BREATHLESS, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF LITTLE DIZZLE, THE LOVED ONES, MUST LOVE DEATH, WHITE LIGHTNIN'